Get notified about your dream job but dont let recruiters know who you are
Use this template if you wish to have IT Recruiters email you about possible IT jobs without them knowing who you are.
Remember, a very high percentage of jobs are not advertised!
Email Template
Email address:
Home Address & desired location for work.(Eg Living in rathmines, looking for City Centre Employer)
Profile of your IT experience: Example: Degree qualified Software engineer with 5 years work experience currently working for a medium sized software consulting house within the financial services sector.
Technical Keywords: (eg, .NET developer / SQL / Business Analyst / data warehousing / Citrix, etc so your profile comes up in searches by recruiters
Current & Expected Salary: (Eg, 45-50K - looking for 60k) Very important
Dream / ideal IT Role: (inc job title, technologies, location, salary band, industry, & availability as well as type of company)
1. General desc. of current employer: (Large international/small irish …..)
Top 3 duites:
2. General description of previous employer:
Top 3 duties.
Now simply login to your account on
Click “My profile and Cv”
Tick “Hide contact details”
Sit back and let the recruiters try and tempt you with their jobs!!!